Channel Collaboration

Channels collaboration is the best way to organise teammates by their business functions. Channels bring the right people and information together. Share ideas, make decisions and move work forward with a common purpose and place. Channels bring order and clarity to work you can create them for business functions like orders, payments, claims etc and organize the discussions in a better way. With a bit of thought and planning, you can set up channels in logical and predictable ways so that participants in your organisation can track down the information that they need easily. When everyone has direct access to the right people and right information, organization productivity fosters multifold.

Private channels

Private channels are the channels created for specific business purpose and discussions, eg Order channel, Claims channel, Ledger channel. The participants in the channels share messages and exchange information wrt to the business function. This makes it easy for the participant to search and retrieve relevant information quickly.

Private channels

Public channels

Public channels are open for anyone to join within the organisation. These channels are used to transmit information like announcements for all who are part of the channel

Public channels